
Warner Leisure Hotels: Studley Castle


Warner Leisure Hotels: Studley Castle

Warner Leisure Hotels were launching there most impressive hotel to date. A 150 year old castle, renovated into the 21st century. With a target to be fully booked by opening, they needed to start drumming up some interest but the build and renovation work had only just begun.

With no photography we turned the brochure into a sensual experience and created a look around the tastes, textures and swatches of the hotels planned interior design and the adventure that awaits in the surrounding countryside. The usual brochure words didn’t do enough justice so Portmanteaus were created to show the various experiences to be found at Studly that usually aren’t seen along side one another. Coloured overlays and acid washed photography brought traditional imagery and stock photography bang up to date and a sans serif typeface introduced to reflect the old & new at play in the building.

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